National Trust Database - Search Results

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Quercus robur and Ulmus x hollandica

English Oak ,  Dutch Elm

'The Grange', Huxtable Road,, PAKENHAM UPPER VIC 3810 - Property No T11060

Contribution to the landscape of historic garden Aesthetic value This is a fine avenue of alternate Elms (Ulmus x hollandica) and Oaks (Quercus robur) located along the driveway leading to 'The Grange', an estate built by Fitzroy Football Club founder, John McMahon, around 1872. Measurements: 06/1983 Spread (m): 22.25 Girth (m): 2.55 Height (m): 25 Estimated Age (yrs): 110 Condition: Good Measurements: June 2011 Spread ... more



Quercus robur

English Oak

Ballam Park Homestead, Cranbourne Road, FRANKSTON VIC 3199 - Property No T11577

Contribution to historic garden Aesthetic signifiicance. A particularly large specimen forming part of an historic garden. The house, completed in 1854, is classified by the National Trust. It is assumed that the Oak is of similar age. The tree requires urgent maintenance 1994 Major limbs removed from lower canopy. Measurements: 09/1984: Spread (m): 25 Girth (m):3.72 Height (m): 20.3 Estimated Age (yrs): 130 Condition: ... more



Quercus robur

English Oak Woolongoon

"Woolongoon", Connewarren Lane, MORTLAKE VIC 3272 - Property No T11960

Commemorating historic event This tree was planted by John Masefield, a well-known British poet laureate,in 1934. It is on the eastern lawn beyond which are major views of the lake and countryside.The land has been owned and farmedby the Weatherley family since 1985 and thegarden was generally formed between 1911 and 1920. The tree has responded to the improved watering system (1988)and tree surgery. Measurements: 28/02/1990 Spread (m): 15.6 Girth (m): ... more



Quercus robur

English Oak

119 Wood Street, FLINDERS VIC 3929 - Property No T12211


Quercus robur

English Oak

'Kilmany Park' 1613 Settlement Road,, SALE VIC 3850 - Property No T11099

Historical value This commemorative planting dominates the western side of the historic property. The sign reads "This oak was planted by His Majesty King George V when visiting the property as HRH the Duke of York on 15 May 1901. This tablet was erected by the representatives of the Victorian Bowling Asociation February 1935". 'Kilmany Park' was settled by William Pearson in September 1841 and is one of the oldest established properties in eastern Victoria. The ... more



Quercus robur 'Fastigiata'

Fastigiated English Oak

Mt Macedon Road, MACEDON VIC 3440 - Property No T11624

Horticultural value Rare or localised Outstanding size Example of species An outstanding example of this rare oak. Its narrow upright habit is very similar in form to the Lombardy Poplar. The uniform growth and size of this specimen contributes greatly to its significance as a feature of the landscape. Uncommon in cultivation in Victoria. Located in the roadside reserve opposite the Avenue of Honour Measurements: 05/1987 Spread (m): 6 Girth ... more



Quercus robur

English Oak

Avenue of Honour, Calder Highway, WOODEND VIC 3442 - Property No T12001

Contribution to landscape Historical commemoration A signficant avenue planting following World War I. The Avenue of Honour extends over 2.4km north of Woodend and comprises Quercus robur, Quercus canariensis and hybrids between these two species. It is one of only two avenues in Victoria (the other at Cranbourne) to consist of Oak trees, which symbolise virtue. This Avenue is amongst the best in Victoria. Measurements: 10/1985 Spread (m): 19 Girth ... more



Quercus robur

Roseville Oak ,  English Oak

119 Wood Street,, FLINDERS VIC 3929 - Property No T12211

This Quercus Robur, an English Oak tree is located in the residential garden of the historic house "Roseville" in Flinders, Victoria, which was built in 1896 by the telegraph operator for the Cable Station, Grigriy Day. The present power company continually trims the tree to free the nearby electricity lines. This tree would benefit from the relocation of the adjacent power lines underground to allow the tree to return to a balanced ... more



Quercus robur

English Oak

Victoria Park, Marley Street,, SALE VIC 3850 - Property No T11103

Historical value This English Oak (Quercus robur) is an attractive well shaped specimen. It is a commemorative planting by the Duke of Gloucester on 27 October 1934 from a seedling taken from an oak tree planted by his father , George V, in 1901. A plaque has been set under the tree. Measurements: 05/1987 Spread (m): 13 Girth (m): 1.3 Height (m): 9.5 Estimated Age (yrs): 53 Condition: Good Access: Unrestricted Classified: ... more



Quercus robur

English Oak

'Drusilla' 26 Brougham Road, MOUNT MACEDON VIC 3441 - Property No T11655

Contribution to landscape Outstanding size Aesthetic value Outstanding example of species This is a large mature tree with dense foliage growing in the lawn area south east of the main house. The tree is believed to have been planted by Madame Weigel, of dressmaking pattern and fashion fame, in the 1880s when she began the layout and planting of the garden at 'Drusilla'. Measurements: 09/11/1990 Spread (m): 36.5 Girth (m): 6 Height (m): 29 ... more


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